We're very proud to feature the beautiful, visceral book Field, Fork, Fashion in the HERD Bookshop by Alice V. Robinson, who answered some questions for us about her approach to her wardrobe. Read on...
- What is your favourite item in your wardrobe, if you had to choose one, and what is the story behind it?
I have a pair of blue jeans that were owned by my Dad. I brought them to London when I was doing my MA and for a long time just tied a knot at the waist with a hair bobble to hold them up. Finally, I got around to taking them in and very roughly took an industrial leather sewing machine to them, sewing darts on the front and back, splicing some of the pockets in half in the process, but creating a perfect fit. They’d been worn for years before me and are now threadbare in places. I’ve often been asked where I bought them and I love sharing that they’re one of a kind.
- What is your favourite piece of knitwear?
Funnily enough I’m wearing it as I type. It’s a cream chunky knit Aran Sweater with large brown buttons. I found it in a charity shop in Pimlico for a steal. It has gotten me through brisk winters and is perfect for a cooler summer's day.
- Have you ever made an item of clothing and worn it?
Yes, I’ve made quite a lot for myself growing up. Most often it's been dresses for weddings and parties. I really enjoy the process of starting a pattern from scratch and trying to tailor a design to suit me. Having accumulated fabric through university and from my mum's own sewing projects I’ve always had a little stash to draw upon. Finding the time is more of a challenge, but 2024 is the year of making!
- Has your approach to your wardrobe changed over the past few years and if so how?
Very much so. I would say I am now most interested in comfort and quality. I have staple pieces that I will wear on repeat throughout the season. Most recently I’ve been really enjoying unearthing gems from my mum's wardrobe. Wearing my parents clothes is clearly a theme ha! - but there just is something superior in the quality of construction. I wore a Laura Ashley blue velvet and taffeta dress to a wedding at Christmas and I loved it. Bring back the dropped hem!
- What item of clothing have you lost or misplaced that you wish you could find again?
I lost a beautiful pair of long leather boots that I’d found in a shop in Estonia. They were perfect. The heel. The shape of the toe. The concealed zip. I still hope they’ll turn up somewhere, but it's been years now! Perhaps something to be recreated with British Pasture Leather…!
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